Investor And Stock Fraud Recovery
Securities litigation refers to the highly complex, often high-stakes laws and regulations governing certain types of business investments (“securities.”). We help fraud victims get back their money from brokers, brokerage firms, lawyers, financial groups and advisors due to their negligence or failure to protect the investors from bad actors. There are many common schemes these fraudsters use to fleece the investors. We leverage our legal knowledge and use techniques to stop fraudsters immediately from disposing of your money. Investment fraud is sophisticated and can get complex including tracing your money offshore. Our team has a global network of asset recovery lawyers ready to get your money wherever your money may be hiding.
Securities Litigation
What are some of the most common forms of securities litigation on behalf of investors your firm handles?
At the Law Office of Sara J. Saba, P.A., we’ve overseen the following:
- Boiler room sales
- Breach of fiduciary duty
- Churning
- Conflicts of interest
- Elder financial abuse
- Excessive trading
- Failure to conduct due diligence
- Failure to disclose risk
- Failure to diversify
- Failure to execute
- Failure to supervise
- Failure to warn
- False statements and omissions
- Financial suicide
- Forgery and alteration of documents
- Margin account fraud
- Misappropriation of funds
- Stockbroker negligence
- Negligent retirement planning
- Over concentration
- Retail bank customer referrals
- Unsuitable investment recommendations
- Selling away
- Stockbroker theft
- Unauthorized trading
- Wrongful management referral

If You Would Like A Confidential No-Obligation
Discussion With Attorney Sara J. Saba, Give Us A Call
(305) 904-7049